April 18th, 1862






Camp Winfield Scott Va

Apl. 18, 1862


My Dear Mother


            I recd your / letter of 13th inst. / And am very glad / that you seem to be / better. I am yet / in good health, and / all the co.  We are / all here some few / not very well but / none sick /


I recd a letter from / Mag yesterday she said she hadnt / heard from you / since you had gone / to Freeport.


She said they were / all well. I had


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A letter from Tom / Gales and they / are all well about / there.


            Walter Williams / captured a very pretty / secesh flag near here / and sent it to Mrs / M Cafferty.


I think the flag will / raise quite an excit- / -ment about Curllsville


I am glad that / our company has / sent the first rebel / flag to Clarion Co.


            Where abouts in Freeport do you / live  I suppose / Bob & Ike go to see / you often.


            And I suppose / Johnny is growing /


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fast.  I promised / to send Smith Some / money when we were / paid off this time / but the pay is so / long Coming that / I am afraid I / cant make the promise / good, as we will have / a good deal to pay out / here  I cant tell exactly / how it will be till we / get paid & find out how / much our bills against / us will be  however / I will pay as soon as / I can. Remember / me to Smith, Sis, / Mary Jane, & the boys / The musn’t think strange / that I do not write to each / of them for I have / nothing to write only /


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what I write to you / and I want you to / write let them see the / letters.  It is a little / (unknown) to write many / letters here. When you / see Mr Kean remember / me to him & tell him / that I recd his last letter / just as we started out / on our campaign and / will write to him when / we get to some more / permanent stopping place / Remember me to Saline Gibson.  And to our old / friends about Freeport / I must stop writing & go / out on drill, we still / Keep that up: Hoping that this will find my Dear / Mother still improving


 I / am aff… your Gus