April 9th, 1862






Monday Apl. 9, 1862

Camp Near Yorktown, Va.


Dr. Mother


            We marched from our / camp near Fortress Monroe on / Friday & reached here on Saturday. / There has been some skirmishing,  / but things are going on slowly and / systematically. Genl. McClellan / is here and we have a large / force. Yorktown will have to / come down pretty soon I think. / Genl. Hen--teman went out yesterday / within 500 yds of the enemy’s works / and took a look at them. He / is a plucky old and about / as homely a looking man as you / could see in a week’s travel.


            I have not much to write that  / would interest you but I / had a chance to write just now / and thought I would let you know / that I was well, it is only once / in a while that we can get / the materials for writing. I will / write to you whenever I can get / a chance. I suppose you / are in Freeport now, and I hope



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Since I commenced this I recd a letter from Bobbie and Sis saying / that you had come to Freeport. I will answer when I / get opportunity. (written upside down)


that you will feel better. I know that / you are sorrowing deeply for what is / past, and that you are deeply / anxious about me. I think much / about you and about all the rest. / We all know that there is a God of / battles, and I hope we may all / trust in him and to his will. / And I hope that my dear friends / at home will not regret that I / have come here. I have only done / what seems to be the duty of all young / men and what so many have / done. I could not have stayed at / home & not thought that I was shirking/ a duty, and loosin respect in myself.


            It is painfull to receive letters that seem / to say that I have not done right / And a little word of encouragement from / home is sweet to allof us here. / Please send this letter to Mag, as writing material / is scarce & I will not write to her this / time.


Direct Co. C 62nd Reg. P.V. 2nd Brigade

Porter’s Division Washington, D.C.


            Give my love Mary Jane, Sis, Smith & the children. Goodbye. May God bless & take care of all / of us.

                                                                        Yours aff…

