June 23rd, 1862






Camp Near New Bridge Va.  June 23 1862


Dr Ben  Your of the 15th inst. came to me / in due time  I suppose you are pretty busy / now as your father is away.  I am not sur- / -prised at the “over left friends” friends that / I have got about Curllsville, are not pleased / that I have got a little promotion, but I / dont care what they think or feel about my / case.  They have done me no good that I / Know of and I dont owe any of them / anything.  They have tried to do me some hard harm but have not succeeded very well and / if I get home they I will try and get even with some of them


I was sorry when Capt. Kerr had to go home / and I hope he will get well soon.  About / his making you a Lieut. I dont think it / would be very pleasant for you for I think / that certain members of that company wish to / get commissions themselves.  And they would / be bitterly opposed to anyone else coming / in.  Capts Kerr and Beck and are detailed / on recruiting service.  If I were you, without / there would seem to be a great necessity / I would not enter the service again because / you have lost a great deal now and / would lose still more to come away again / And it is not likely that you would have better health / than you had before /


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I hope you have had a pleasant time in Freeport / I know if I could have been there we / together could have a good chance for fun. / You are very kind to Mag and I am very / thankful to you for it.  I have got an / old government horse now but I will get / a better one if the position that I now hold / becomes permanent.  I would like to have / a Powhattan but it would cost more / than I could make in a good while to bring him / here.  I hope Ell Lyon & you & Tate will / get along well, and not get into any trouble / on my account as most all the pretty / folks up there are down on me.  I / hope Tate will have a good time with / Em Dunkle  I would like to spend a few / pleasant moments with a good looking / female these hot nights.  It is a long / time since I had any conversation with / a piece of dimity.


Has Tate Henry’s leg got straight.  How / have you got. you never say how you / are.  There will be no new Lieuts. in our Co until Col. McQuade gets confirmed / and that may not be at all  And he / and the rest of us may be ordered /


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back to our regiments at any time. /


If he gets a permanent appointment as / Brig. Genl. and I still stay as aid / then John Myers would be a Lieut / and I would like to see John get it / he is a good fellow has made a good orderly and would make a / good Lieut and Johnston would / make a good orderly and there / are no better fellows than Johnston /  I suppose Flavus(?) Josephus Stoner can / tell stories as long as himself. Has he / any notion of soldiering.  He ought to / Enlist for his face would split a bullet and he couldnt get hurt in the head unless / he would catch it in his mouth / I am very well.  The company are in / pretty good health now.  Have you / heard anything from Andy Harriger. / I have heard that old Barnes has / got home.  I wish they would / discharge him  Henry Stewart / has got over his promiscuous eating & / recovered his health  And makes a / very good soldier now.


John Henry has been sick for /


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for a good while but is getting better / Andy Jenkins was a corporal but / Capt reduced him for ugly conduct. / Goheen is still around and dont swear / or make any more noise than he / used to, and I feel bound to / say not much less,  John / Stover & John Konkle are growly / as ever.  And the balance of the / company are coming on as usual / Some of our fellows were on picket / the other day and John Truman / Tom Stover and some more went / over and had a talk with the Rebels / and traded caps buttons & c.  the / seceshers were very friendly.  Things / are pretty quiet here, but we have / artillery fights every day. /


and over on the left they have / had several skirmishes lately. / Remember me to your wife to / Sarah and to all the family


I wish I could have been to Freeport / with you.  Well good boy


Yours truly,
