March 14th 1863
Hd. Qrs. 62nd Reg P.V. Mar 14. 1863
Dear Mag
I suppose you are in / Curllsville by this time,
I have been getting along in / the old fashion since I came / back to camp. The weather here / is very cold for the last few days. / The roads are drying up some / so I suppose we will move before / very long. George Fox has been / here but I think has gone home / again. He looked very well but / was still lame. John Myers is well / he tried to get a leave of absence / but failed, I send you 5$ / enclosed, If at any time you / need money badly, you must write / to me & tell me, I presume you are well / enough acquainted with me to let me / Know when you are wanting any thing, / It will allways be a pleasure for me / to do any thing that I can for you, /
While at home I heard that you / did not like to stay in Curllsville and / I had no time afterwards to speak / to you about it. If you want / to leave Curllsville, as soon as /
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we get payed again I will send you / money to move. Perhaps you / had better try to stay where you are / till I get home again and if / I should ever go back to Sligo you / might like Curllsville better than / you do now.
I suppose Jim will go back to / Freeport again, I think it will / be better for him to stay in / Freeport, However you I suppose / are the best judge of that yourself / and will do as you think best. /
Give my best love to Maggie, Sidy, / & Jim, Tell Mag after a / while when the war is all over & / I get home & get a house I want / her to make us a long visit, that / is if she will, Mattie will / be in Clarion Co in April.
She is in Saltsburg now, I have / had some letters from her and / she seemed quite pleased with / her visit to Freeport, Remember / me to Mrs Lyon & the rest of the Lyons / when you see them Remember me / to Sue Fox, and Mrs Roper & all the / other who ask of me
Please write soon & tell me if you get this
Your Bro Gus