May 26th, 1862
Do not change the direction on my letters in any way
Camp near Gains’ Mills Va. May 26/62
My Dear Sister (Send this to Mag)
I recd your and mother’s
letters / of 19th inst. yesterday. I was very glad to / get them and
glad to hear of the news. / I was rather surprised to hear of Miss / Donelly’s
marriage, and wish her / much happiness. I would have / been very glad to
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If that is not doing well I dont know.
Give my love to all those who have wished / to be remembered to me. I like to hear of them / And to hear that I am not forgotten by / my old friends. I have’nt had time to / write to Kate Drury yet. I have charge of / the company most of the time now. /
I have recd a slight promotion. I have / been appointed acting Aid De-camp to Col / McQuade now commanding our Brigade. / Our Brigadier Genl. is now in command / of the Division now. This arrangement / may be temporary and may be permanent. / If Genl. Morell resumes command of the Brigade again and Col. McQuade his reg. I / will be ordered to the company again. / I am still with the company and can not / leave until Capt. M. & Lt. / M. get better & able to take command of the company. I am / sorry to leave the company, but I like to / have my friends think I am doing as well as / I can & that my commanders have / some confidence in me. As a token of / this I am pleased with and accept my / appointment. My friends who have / got it for me are Col. Black & Capt. Monks / Good bye love to all